Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pre-Christmas madness

I think I now understand why some people find Christmas so stressful. I'm usually an uber prepared Christmas elf. I love to shop early and have everything smugly stowed (usually wrapped) way before those last few crazy shopping days. This year for some reason I was in Christmas denial and really didn't get started until just recently. Shopping close to Christmas is not fun! There are hoards of people and inevitably the item you want is sold out. There's nothing worse than a smug sales person saying "Oh, that's a very popular item, we're all sold out" as I imagine the sad look of my niece when I present her with nothing on Christmas. In the end I had to do a bit more running around (thank goodness for Lavinia) but it is all done. PHEW!!!

Now I can concentrate on finishing the Christmas baking and gingerbread house assembling.

Sadly my knitting project has made no further progress...Blah.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Falling behind

It has been awhile since my last post. I don't feel as though I've accomplished all that much and yet I've been pretty busy. I've been making really good progress on my baby sweater but I've hit a snag and will have to consult my knitting friend for some advice. Sometimes there just isn't a substitute for a real live human being showing you what to do. My knitting book just isn't cutting it right now.

I'm starting to get in the Christmas spirit although I've been a bit late off the mark. I'm usually very prepared for Christmas ages before the big day. Thankfully, many of the items on my family's wish lists have been on sale recently. Woo hoo!

The weather people are forecasting some big snow for the next day and a bit. While I usually enjoy a good snow, this storm means that my dear friend wasn't able to visit. She was going to stay over tonight but sensibly decided to head home before the storm hit. SIGH sometimes its tough to be sensible.

The wind is howling outside and I'm glad to be snug inside my little house.