Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fun and frolic with friends

This weekend a very dear friend came visiting. She's a fellow newbie knitter and we decided to explore some of the Toronto wool shops I haven't had time to visit. It was a lot of fun. We lingered for quite awhile in the Purple Purl before heading to Lick's for lunch (I've been assured that there will be an equally unflattering photo of me on her blog).

In the afternoon we checked out the Naked Sheep. I'm beginning to realize that each wool shop is its own unique place. They sometimes have overlapping stock but really there's something different about each shop I've visited (perhaps that's a duh for more experienced knitters). Needless to say there was some wallet damage and I'm full of ideas of projects for the future.

The weekend was topped off by two potlucks. Phew, I'm pooped.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Starting again, and again

I've restarted my next knitting project twice now. The first time I wasn't sold on the pattern, the second time I wasn't happy with the size. The wool is great and I think what I really wanted was a fairly loopy design. What I got was a pretty but tight fabric. I got this far before frogging and starting with larger needles.
I'm slowly putting Christmas away. Last Sunday I held my second annual Post-Holiday Tea. Which features the annual destruction of the gingerbread house. Some before and after photos.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy 2008!

I've had a really great holiday; family, baked goods and knitting... I finished my baby sweater. The pattern was from Dogs Steal Yarn. The yarn is a dark blue so its a bit hard to see, but I'm pretty pleased with how it turned out. There is no baby to model it yet, he's still in the works but perhaps I'll be lucky enough to get a snap of the little chap in it once he's on the outside. I've also got some more wool for my next project. This one will (hopefully) be a blanket for another friend expecting a baby. Its a lovely green baby alpaca that feels so soft. I think it'll be nice to work with.
Today it snowed and my parents and I went for a walk. My family are big walkers but today we couldn't resist testing out my Dad's Christmas snowshoes.
Even Toronto can be a gorgeous winter wonderland. Hopefully it'll be less wintry for tomorrow's commute (back to work, erg).